Top 10 CBD Myths Busted

Any new product or technology is subject to urban legends and myths. And CBD is no different.
A lot of misunderstandings have surrounded CBD and prevented people from accessing its benefits. The truth is that the best CBD is more like a health supplement than a frightening recreational drug. And no, CBD will not get you high!
In this post, we bust the most common myths people have about CBD so that you can impress your friends with your CBD knowledge — and safely try CBD for yourself.
#1: Will CBD get you high?
No, CBD will not get you high. Intoxication is the biggest myth about CBD — and it’s an understandable one.
The myth of CBD’s intoxicating properties comes from the common confusion of the two varieties of cannabis: marijuana and hemp. Both varieties can contain CBD but, in a nutshell, it’s not the CBD that gets you high.
The main cannabis compound in marijuana — tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) — will get you very high and cause you to fail drug tests. But CBD is different. And while CBD can improve your mental state, it’s non-intoxicating and may actually make you feel more clear-headed.
Most CBD products come from hemp — not marijuana — and the hemp plant has only minute quantities of THC. When you select a CBD isolate product, such as the ones we make at UPSY, every last bit of THC has been removed from the hemp extract. The CBD has been isolated from all other plant compounds before the product is made.
#2: Will CBD show up on a drug test?
Most drug tests focus on THC, so CBD won’t show up on a normal, employer-mandated drug test. Sophisticated laboratory testing could check for CBD, of course, but typical tests don’t check for CBD.
BUT — and this is a big “but” — CBD products can cause a failed drug test if they contain THC or more THC than the permitted amount. Full-spectrum and broad-spectrum CBD products can legally contain up to 0.3% THC. And ingesting any amount of THC can cause a failed drug test.
At UPSY, we use CBD isolate. The isolation process eliminates all other compounds and substances from the final product leaving only purified CBD. Our in-house laboratory tests for purity, then a third-party laboratory test for purity again.
If you’re concerned about a positive (failed) drug test, try UPSY Balance Act. Balance Act products contain research-grade CBD isolate and nothing else.
#3: Does CBD make you sleepy?
Not really. Unless you take massive doses of CBD, it’s unlikely to make you sleepy. Even in very large quantities, CBD is unlikely to cause extreme drowsiness.
In fact, the opposite is true: CBD might perk you up. That’s because CBD restores balance to the body’s endocannabinoid system. The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is the network of special receptors and chemicals that the body uses to assist with homeostasis.
When the ECS is in balance, you’re more likely to have healthy energy levels — and more likely to get a calm night’s sleep; CBD can give you energy and facilitate rest simultaneously. That’s why people take CBD for sleep and also CBD for energy.
#4: Is hemp oil the same as CBD oil?
No. Hemp seeds are rich in healthy oils, and many people use hemp oil for cooking or cosmetic purposes. But hemp oil and CBD oil are not the same.
The confusion stems from how some companies market hemp oil. Sometimes, you’ll see hemp oil sold by the liter, in packages similar to olive oil. Other times, you’ll see hemp oil marketed in small tincture bottles which claim to have medicinal properties.
These smaller bottles of hemp oil appear to be CBD oil — and they often suggest that they have the same benefits — but they contain miniscule amounts of CBD or none at all. Hemp oil is simply the oil from hemp seeds without any added CBD.
CBD oil and CBD tinctures contain therapeutic amounts of CBD. The best CBD oil products are precisely formulated to give you a physiologically significant amount of CBD. Hemp oil may contain other beneficial compounds like omega-3 fatty acids, however, it does not have a significant amount of CBD.
#5: Can you get addicted to CBD?
Physical dependence does not result from taking CBD. Even after taking CBD for years, your body would go back to the same baseline it had before.
You can’t get addicted to CBD — but you’ll probably want to keep taking it if you start!
Jogging or taking a multivitamin can be “addictive” too. Healthy behaviors feel good. CBD is the same way. People want to keep using CBD because it relieves their symptoms — not because it causes physical addiction.
#6: Is CBD legal?
Basically, CBD is legal. But that’s not the whole story. The legality of CBD in the United States is complex.
In 2018, the US Congress legalized the licensed cultivation of CBD-rich hemp as long as the THC content of the hemp was less than 0.3%. So, if a CBD product comes from a licensed farmer (like the farmers who work with UPSY), it’s effectively legal. Of course, the product must not contain more than 0.3% THC.
If the CBD is derived from marijuana, however, it’s federally illegal — even in states with legalized recreational use, and even if the marijuana-derived CBD product has been purified of all THC. (Note: almost all CBD comes from hemp.)
The FDA has the right to regulate CBD, but it hasn’t established a framework for doing so. There are no usage or labeling guidelines. The FDA issued warnings to companies that make misleading claims about their CBD products, but it doesn't have a regulatory structure for telling states how CBD should be sold.
For now, CBD is legal yet regulations are loosely defined. In the future, we can expect the FDA to establish guidelines for CBD that are similar to dietary supplements. CBD manufacturers must step in to do the right thing and produce quality products that are free from adulterants like THC and pesticides.
#7: Is CBD a cure-all?
We wish we could say that CBD solves all of the world’s health problems. But the excessive hype that you hear on social media is just that: hype.
CBD has demonstrated effectiveness for anxiety, epilepsy and mental health conditions. And users report a wide variety of other benefits which have yet to be researched in the lab. However, if you’ve absorbed too much CBD hype from the media, you will be disappointed to learn that CBD will not cure baldness, stop aging, or make you lose weight.
And some people get more benefits from CBD than others. To find out what CBD can (and can’t) do for you, you’ll need to see for yourself. Check out UPSY’s line of lab-tested CBD drinks and tinctures. With lab testing, you know you’re getting the real thing in the right quantity.
#8: Is there any real research about CBD?
CBD is new to the market but not the laboratory. Cannabis compounds — especially THC and CBD — have fascinated researchers since the 1950s. They’re some of the most powerful and medicinally potent molecules in nature, so it’s no wonder researchers brought them into the lab.
Long before the legalization of hemp, researchers understood many of the effects and interactions of CBD within the body. They knew that the body makes its own compounds that are nearly identical to CBD and THC. And they understood the specific receptors with which CBD interacts and that CBD is “generally well-tolerated” in human subjects.
Today, CBD studies are entering new territory. Modern researchers are exploring CBD as a treatment for specific conditions rather than studying its general effects. In fact, the US Food and Drug Administration has approved some CBD formulations for specific types of epilepsy.
#9: Is CBD psychoactive?
Yes, CBD is psychoactive. Even some experienced CBD users believe that CBD is “non-psychoactive.” But if it was, few people would be taking it. The benefits we get from CBD — such as calmness, stable energy, and reduced epilipetic activity — demonstrate CBD’s psychoactivity.
So CBD is in fact psychoactive. It just doesn’t cause intoxication. When people say CBD is “non-psychoactive,” they actually mean it’s non-intoxicating.
#10: Is CBD dangerous?
It’s safe to say that “CBD is safe.” CBD is well-tolerated with infrequent, mild side effects according to a recent study by Danish researchers. Rare side effects include nausea, diarrhea, and drowsiness.
At UPSY, we’re big believers in CBD — obviously. Our research-grade CBD isolate products are free from THC and include organic ingredients whenever possible. The sad fact is that many CBD oils and gummies on the market don’t set the bar as high for consumer safety.
Untested products may contain THC, pesticides, or heavy metals. Because CBD is loosely regulated, manufacturers aren’t held accountable for their products. If you’re searching for safe CBD, look for a laboratory-tested product such as UPSY Balance Act tincture. It’s THC and pesticide-free.
You don’t need to buy UPSY brand products, but make sure to find CBD that’s laboratory-tested to be free from pesticides and heavy metals.
Ready to try CBD?
Check out UPSY. If you’re trying CBD for the first time, you’ll want to know you’re getting real CBD. Some CBD products don’t have the amount shown on the label — and studies have shown that some don’t contain CBD at all.
Try UPSY, and get 20% off on your first order. Simply submit the form below and we’ll email you a coupon that you can use immediately.
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